Experience the ideal summer treat with this key lime cheesecake. Made with a luscious graham saltine covering and finished off with lime zing whipped cream, this velvety yet delicious treat is a reviving enjoyment! Each chomp is the ideal mix of tart and sweet.

Key Lime Cheesecake Recipe

Key lime is the quintessential summer dessert flavor. I have many key lime pastries currently on the blog (no-heat key lime cheesecake and key lime cake are perfect!) however I felt that an exemplary cheesecake recipe should have been added to the rundown. Key lime cheesecake is rich, sweet, only a bit of spot tart, and all that a mid year treat ought to be.

The light and cushy cheesecake filling sits on top of a rich graham wafer hull. It’s then, at that point, polished off with a hand crafted whipped besting, lime zing for some additional citrus flavor, and key lime cuts for a truly flawless show! To bring a show-halting treat to your next potluck, this key lime cheesecake is the best approach. With how velvety, delightful, and liberal it is, everybody will need a cut!

Elements for Key Lime Cheesecake

This is all that you should make a pastry shop commendable key lime cheesecake. Trust me, you’ll think the staple excursion is worth the effort once you attempt a chomp of this rich, tart paradise. Searching for estimations? They can be in every way found underneath in the recipe card.

Outside layer

  • Graham Saltine Pieces: Squashed graham wafers give the outside layer nutty flavor and scrumptious surface!
  • Granulated Sugar: To add a hint of pleasantness to the hull.
  • Unsalted Margarine: Adds a scrumptious extravagance to the outside. Margarine likewise assists with keeping it all intact. Since we’re adding salt independently, I utilized unsalted margarine here.
  • Salt: You just need a squeeze to make the covering significantly more tasty.


  • Cream Cheddar: It’s ideal assuming that your cream cheddar is at room temperature. Along these lines, it combines as one easily with the other filling fixings. Likewise, full fat cream cheddar is the best approach. It will make your cheesecake overall quite rich.
  • Granulated Sugar: To adjust the pungency of the key lime squeeze and zing.
  • Harsh Cream: I realize it appears to be awkward, however acrid cream assists with making the cheesecake so delicate and marvelous!
  • Key Lime Juice: Newly crushed is ideal. Save the skin for some zing!
  • Enormous Eggs: Give the cheesecake structure.
  • Vanilla Concentrate: Adds warm, sweet flavor to the combination.
  • Key Lime Zing: An incredible method for adding an additional pop of key lime flavor.


  • Weighty Whipping Cream: To stir up into light, cushioned goodness.
  • Powdered Sugar: Assists with improving and balance out the whipped besting.
  • Key Lime Zing: Since you can’t turn out badly with more lime flavor!
  • Key Lime Cuts: For that bread kitchen commendable final detail.

How about we Get Cooking!

Making natively constructed key lime cheesecake isn’t quite as troublesome as it appears. I realize this is a great deal to peruse, yet I’ve remembered a ton of tips and deceives for how to get your cheesecake to end up being awesome. Persistence and tender loving care is vital (or would it be advisable for me I say, key lime) here!


  1. Preheat Broiler, Get ready Dish: Preheat the stove to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Set up a 10-inch springform skillet by splashing with cooking shower. To squash graham wafers, place in a fixed sack and utilize a moving pin, or heartbeat in a food processor.
  2. Join Covering Fixings: In a medium bowl, blend the graham wafer pieces, sugar, dissolved margarine, and salt together. This ought to look like soggy sand.
  3. Press Into Dish: Empty the scrap combination into the arranged springform container and press equitably into the skillet. You can utilize the lower part of a level glass or a level estimating cup to truly squeeze it in well and get a decent, even outside.
  4. Heat: Prepare for 10 minutes. Permit to totally cool.

Cheesecake Filling

  1. Beat Cream Cheddar: Add the relaxed cream cheddar to the blending bowl of a stand blender and beat with an oar at medium/fast for around 1 moment. Scratch down the sides and lower part of the bowl and beat for one more moment or somewhere in the vicinity, until exceptionally smooth.
  2. Add Sugar and Acrid Cream: Add the sugar and harsh cream and blend at medium/low speed until recently consolidated. Scratch the bowl once more and blend again for 30 seconds.
  3. Blend in Excess Fixings: Add the lime juice, eggs, vanilla, and key lime zing and beat on low speed until joined, around 30 seconds-1 moment. Scratch the bowl once more. Beat until recently joined. As of now the key lime cheesecake player ought to be smooth and genuinely runny.


  1. Wrap Springform Skillet: Utilizing 18 inch hard core aluminum foil, wrap the beyond your springform dish with 4 sheets of foil. You can utilize standard foil, however it might take a couple more sheets to guarantee the water doesn’t get into your skillet.
  2. Add to Cooking Dish: Spot the enveloped skillet by a huge simmering container with profound sides. You can on the other hand utilize a baking sheet, insofar as the sides are around 2 inches down.
  3. Plan Water Shower: Utilizing exceptionally high temp water, add water to the baking sheet until there is around 1 ½ inch of water around the springform container. With the rack in the lower third of the stove, cautiously move the skillet into the broiler.
  4. Prepare: Heat at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 1-1 ½ hours. After about an hour of baking, actually take a look at the cheesecake’s consistency. A slight wiggle of the dish (while still in the broiler) ought to let you know if it’s prepared or needs additional time. The cheesecake ought to be just somewhat jiggly, yet entirely not fluid. Assuming it actually appears very liquidy, give it 15 additional minutes and check it once more.
  5. Cool in the Broiler: When the cheesecake has just a slight wiggle, switch the stove off however leave the cheesecake in the stove for one more hour or somewhere in the vicinity, until the broiler has chilled off. Oppose the compulsion to open the stove during this time! The reason for this step is to permit the cheesecake to cool gradually as the broiler cools. Doing this will keep it from breaking, as perhaps of the most compelling motivation cheesecakes break is the intense temperature change going from the hot stove into the a lot cooler kitchen.
  6. Chill in the Cooler: When the stove and the cheesecake are cooled, eliminate from the broiler and cautiously eliminate the foil coating the skillet. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for somewhere around 6 hours.
  7. Add Besting: Prior to serving, whip together the cream, powdered sugar, and zing until medium delicate pinnacles structure. Either line or spread the whipped cream over the key lime cheesecake and trimming with cuts of new key limes.

Ways to make the Best Key Lime Cheesecake

Creating hand crafted cheesecake can be precarious. I’ve added a couple of tips beneath to take care of you!

  • Use Room Temperature Fixings: Utilizing room temperature fixings will assist you with accomplishing a sleek key lime cheesecake hitter. I typically get the cream cheddar, harsh cream and eggs out of the several hours prior to I’m prepared to begin baking to guarantee they have sufficient opportunity to mellow.
  • Scratch Sides: Scratch down the bowl a few times between each step. Doing this will keep thicker player from adhering to the sides and lower part of the bowl, just to wind up making your hitter knotty.
  • Wrap With Aluminum Foil: Rock solid 18-inch aluminum foil is one of the key to making cheesecake that prepares uniformly in a waterbath, yet keeps ANY water from getting in and making the outside saturated. I’ve attempted with 2-3 layers of foil, yet have found that this can in any case once in a while spill. Best to go with 4 layers of the foil, ensuring it is a sufficiently large part to go As far as possible up each side of the container.
  • Cool in the Stove: Letting the key lime cheesecake cool in the broiler as the stove cools will keep it from breaking. You would rather not jab it or stick a thermometer in it by the same token! That will enormously expand the gamble of the cheesecake breaking as it chills off.
  • Utilize Normal Limes: On the off chance that you can’t find key limes, they can be fill in for standard limes, albeit the flavor will be marginally unique in relation to genuine Key limes.
  • Utilize Packaged Key Lime Juice: Since squeezing key limes is tedious and takes a ton of limes, you can utilize packaged key lime juice whenever wanted.

Putting away Extra Cheesecake

Key lime cheesecake is best put away canvassed in the cooler for as long as 5 days. You can either store it in an impenetrable cake holder or wrap cautiously with saran wrap.


Indeed! Wrap it firmly in saran wrap then place in a huge cooler pack. It will save for as long as 2 months. Defrost for the time being in the refrigerator when you’re prepared to appreciate it. The surface might change somewhat, yet it will in any case be delightful!

Other Astounding Key Lime Sweets

Key lime pastries are the best mix of tart and sweet. They’re velvety and liberal, yet additionally delicious and invigorating! The following are a couple of additional extraordinary recipes to attempt that will fulfill your sweet tooth:



  • Preheat the broiler to 325 degrees fahrenheit. Set up a 10-inch springform container by splashing with cooking shower.
  • In a medium bowl, blend the graham wafer pieces, sugar, dissolved spread, and salt together. This ought to look like moist sand.
  • Empty the piece combination into the arranged springform container and press equitably into the skillet. You can utilize the lower part of a level glass or a level estimating cup to truly squeeze it in well and get a decent, even hull.
  • Heat for 10 minutes. Permit to totally cool.

Cheesecake Filling

  • Add the relaxed cream cheddar to the blending bowl of a stand blender and beat with an oar at medium/high velocity for around 1 moment. Scratch down the sides and lower part of the bowl and beat for one more moment or somewhere in the vicinity, until exceptionally smooth..
  • Add the sugar and harsh cream and blend at medium/low speed until recently joined. Scratch the bowl once more and blend again for 30 seconds.
  • Add the lime juice, eggs, vanilla, and key lime zing and beat on low speed until joined, around 30 seconds-1 moment. Scratch the bowl once more. Beat until recently joined. As of now the hitter ought to be smooth and genuinely runny.


  • Utilizing 18 inch hard core aluminum foil, wrap the beyond your springform container with 4 sheets of foil. You can utilize ordinary foil, however it might take a couple more sheets to guarantee the water doesn’t get into your container.
  • Place the enclosed container by a profound cooking skillet. You can on the other hand utilize a baking sheet, inasmuch as the sides are around 2 inches down.
  • Utilizing exceptionally high temp water, add water to the baking sheet until there is around 1 ½ inch of water around the springform skillet. With the rack in the lower third of the broiler, cautiously move the dish into the stove.
  • Heat at 325 degrees fahrenheit for 1-1 ½ hours. After about an hour of baking, actually take a look at the cheesecake’s consistency. A slight shake of the container (while still in the broiler) ought to let you know if it’s prepared or needs additional time. The cheesecake ought to be just marginally jiggly, yet not fluid. Assuming it actually appears very liquidy, give it 15 additional minutes and check it once more.
  • When the cheesecake has just a slight shake, switch the stove off however leave the cheesecake in the broiler for one more hour or something like that, until the broiler has chilled off. Oppose the compulsion to open the broiler during this time! The motivation behind this step is to permit the cheesecake to cool gradually as the broiler cools. Doing this will keep it from breaking, as perhaps of the most compelling motivation cheesecakes break is the intense temperature change going from the hot stove into the a lot cooler kitchen.
  • When the broiler and the cheesecake are cooled, eliminate from the stove and cautiously eliminate the foil coating the dish. Cover and chill in the cooler for no less than 6 hours.
  • Prior to serving, whip together the cream, powdered sugar, and zing until medium delicate pinnacles structure. Either line or spread the whipped cream over the cheesecake and embellishment with cuts of new key limes.

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